Three days connec­ting the real and virtu­al「xEV Test­ing Initia­ti­ve 2022 ~Discuss quali­ty, safe­ty and relia­bi­li­ty of xEVs (elec­tric vehic­les)~」 APL Auto­mo­ti­ve Japan K.K. will parti­ci­pa­te in this event as a special presenter.

  • Event Name:xEV Test­ing Initia­ti­ve 2022
  • Date: Septem­ber 28th(Wed), 29th(Thu), 30th(Fri), 2022
  • Contents: 3 x Opening Messa­ges / 1 x Opening Comme­mo­ra­ti­ve Lectu­re / 2 x Keynote Lectures / 12 x Invi­ted Lectures / 3 x Plati­num Spon­sor Lectures / 9 x Gold Spon­sor Lectures / 1 x Closing Message
  • Orga­ni­zed by: Stee­ring Commit­tee for xEV Test­ing Technology
  • Support­ed by: Auto­mo­ti­ve Engi­nee­ring Rese­arch Center, College of Indus­tri­al Engi­nee­ring, Nihon University

APL Auto­mo­ti­ve Japan K.K. Presen­ta­ti­on Slots

2022–09-28(Wed),10:30~11:15  Support­ing Spea­k­er Slots

Title: Current and Future Pros­pects for xEV-rela­ted Test­ing in Germa­ny — Current Status of xEV Deve­lo­p­ment and Chal­lenges for Japan from the Perspec­ti­ve of an Engi­nee­ring Service Provi­der with the Largest Test­ing Faci­li­ty in Europe

xEV Test­ing Initia­ti­ve 2022(Web site)

We belie­ve that tech­no­lo­gi­cal inno­va­tions based on the opti­mal combi­na­ti­on of real and virtu­al deve­lo­p­ment of xEVs will be essen­ti­al for the future elec­tri­fi­ca­ti­on of power­trains. APL Auto­mo­ti­ve Japan is commit­ted to contri­bu­te to the auto­mo­ti­ve indus­try in the field of elec­tri­fi­ca­ti­on by utili­zing its exper­ti­se in power­train deve­lo­p­ment and test­ing accu­mu­la­ted over 30 years in Germany.

Plea­se send inqui­ries about the event to .