// Proto­ty­pe Assembly

Our Compe­tence Begins Long Befo­re Testing

Whether conven­tio­nal or novel drive­train tech­no­lo­gies, you can begin your deve­lo­p­ment with us befo­re the test­ing begins! As a relia­ble, holi­stic service provi­der with respect to the cons­truc­tion of your proto­ty­pes, APL is at your service.
You have a parts set and would like to test it as a comple­te test item? Then we would be plea­sed to take over the follo­wing steps for you:

Uncom­pli­ca­ted Pickup

We pick up the parts set at your company.

Compe­tent Assembly

We deli­ver a func­tion­al proto­ty­pe, which is geome­tri­cal­ly pre-measu­red and equip­ped with measu­re­ment technology.

Tested Quali­ty Assurance

The desi­red quali­ty is ensu­red by an inco­ming goods inspec­tion upon receipt of the compon­ents, as well as a func­tion­al test on the test bench.
The cons­truc­tion of test parts — from parts sets to compon­ents, engi­nes to comple­te drive­trains inclu­ding ener­gy storage — is divi­ded into the follo­wing seven steps:
Pick-Up of Parts
  • You order pick — we pick up and transport
Inco­ming Parts Inspec­tion with Part Registration
  • each part is recor­ded and checked for comple­ten­ess and condition

(Inco­ming goods)

Parts Quan­ti­ty Control­ling for Carry­ing out Geome­tric Measurements
  • the parts to be measu­red are taken from the parts set and measu­red accor­ding to your speci­fi­ca­ti­on and method

(part measu­re­ment)

Control­ling Part Quan­ti­ty to Intro­du­ce Physi­cal Measu­re­ment Technology
  • the parts speci­fied by you are equip­ped with measu­re­ment tech­no­lo­gy accor­ding to your specifications


(Inser­ting pres­su­re measu­ring point)

Proto­ty­pe Cons­truc­tion in the Work­shop Area
  • after combi­ning all parts, proto­ty­pes can be built at over 20 work­sta­tions, even for elec­tri­cal components

(proto­ty­pe construction)

Commis­sio­ning and Func­tion­al Test­ing for Quali­ty Control on the Test Bench
  • this includes inta­ke, func­tion­al tests and quali­ty controls (such as leaka­ge and noise tests)

(Quali­ty, func­tion and perfor­mance control)

  • deli­very to the next stati­on  in the deve­lo­p­ment chain
  • supple­men­ting test­ing tasks by speci­men repairs and modifications
  • test speci­men dismant­ling with reme­a­su­re­ment, exami­na­ti­on and documentation
Rela­ted Topics:

Trans­port Services

Measu­ring Room


Test­ing of Inter­nal Combus­ti­on Engi­ne Drivetrains


// Loca­ti­ons 

Head­quar­ters Land­au
APL Auto­mo­bil-Prüf­tech­nik
Land­au GmbH
Am Hölzel 11
76829 Land­au


// Wolfs­burg
APL Auto­mo­bil-Prüf­tech­nik
Land­au GmbH
Gustav-Hertz-Stra­ße 10
38448 Wolfs­burg


// Bietig­heim-Bissin­gen
APL Auto­mo­bil-Prüf­tech­nik
Land­au GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Stra­ße 12
74321 Bietig­heim-Bissin­gen

// APL Group

APL Auto­mo­bil-Prüf­tech­nik Land­au GmbH

AIP GmbH & Co. KG

IAVF Antriebs­tech­nik GmbH

IAVF-Volke Prüf­zen­trum für Verbren­nungs­mo­to­ren GmbH


@2022 APL Auto­mo­bil-Prüf­tech­nik Land­au GmbH | Imprint | Priva­cy policy