APL Mile­stone – Hydro­gen Trai­ler Station

APL Mile­stone – Hydro­gen Trai­ler Station

APL is gearing up for the mobi­li­ty of the future Mile­stone for APL: Since June, the newly built trai­ler stati­on at the Land­au site and a first hydro­gen trai­ler from the compa­ny West­fa­len AG, have ensu­red the hydro­gen supp­ly and thus the test­ing of...
We’ve been certi­fied as a ”White Company”!

We’ve been certi­fied as a ”White Company”!

APL Auto­mo­ti­ve Japan K.K. has been certi­fied as a “White Compa­ny (Silver)” by the Japan White Spread. APL Auto­mo­ti­ve Japan was judged and evalua­ted based on the follo­wing seven indi­ca­tors, with the keyword “excel­lent compa­ny to leave behind for the next...
APL & APS Compa­ny Merger

APL & APS Compa­ny Merger

APL & APS Compa­ny Merger With the merger, we are streng­thening our range of compe­ten­ci­es and resour­ces and, in parti­cu­lar for you as a custo­mer, incre­asing our perfor­mance across all deve­lo­p­ment fields. The future APL will conti­nue to invest in new...