// Care­er

Our passi­on is our drive — whats yours?

APL is only as successful as it is today becau­se of our employees. We focus on our most important resource.

We look forward to you and your application. 

Plea­se send your comple­te appli­ca­ti­on, stating the iden­ti­fier mentio­ned, by post to our HR depart­ment or in a coher­ent PDF file by email or using the appli­ca­ti­on form.

* The protec­tion of your perso­nal data is important to us. You can find out more about data protec­tion in our comapny here. By clicking the send button, I agree that the infor­ma­ti­on ente­red and my perso­nal data will be saved and stored in order to enable a respon­se to my request.

Atten­ti­on: You can with­draw your concent at any time via email at mail@apl-landau.de

// Loca­ti­ons 

Head­quar­ters Land­au
APL Auto­mo­bil-Prüf­tech­nik
Land­au GmbH
Am Hölzel 11
76829 Land­au


// Wolfs­burg
APL Auto­mo­bil-Prüf­tech­nik
Land­au GmbH
Gustav-Hertz-Stra­ße 10
38448 Wolfs­burg


// Bietig­heim-Bissin­gen
APL Auto­mo­bil-Prüf­tech­nik
Land­au GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Stra­ße 12
74321 Bietig­heim-Bissin­gen

// APL Group

APL Auto­mo­bil-Prüf­tech­nik Land­au GmbH

AIP GmbH & Co. KG

IAVF Antriebs­tech­nik GmbH

IAVF-Volke Prüf­zen­trum für Verbren­nungs­mo­to­ren GmbH


@2022 APL Auto­mo­bil-Prüf­tech­nik Land­au GmbH | Imprint | Priva­cy policy