Current Situa­ti­on — Covid-19

2. Jul, 2020 | News

Dear Sir or Madam, dear visitors,

Despi­te the current rest­ric­tions, our employees are still here for you. In accordance with the neces­sa­ry hygie­ne and safe­ty regu­la­ti­ons, our employees conti­nue to work on our custo­mers’ projects — if possi­ble from a ‘home office’. The protec­tion of our employees is very important to us and ther­e­fo­re we ask for your under­stan­ding if there are minor delays due to the current situation.

Plea­se stay healthy!

Best regards from the Pfalz,

Your APL

// Loca­ti­ons 

Head­quar­ters Land­au
APL Auto­mo­bil-Prüf­tech­nik
Land­au GmbH
Am Hölzel 11
76829 Land­au


// Wolfs­burg
APL Auto­mo­bil-Prüf­tech­nik
Land­au GmbH
Gustav-Hertz-Stra­ße 10
38448 Wolfs­burg


// Bietig­heim-Bissin­gen
APL Auto­mo­bil-Prüf­tech­nik
Land­au GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Stra­ße 12
74321 Bietig­heim-Bissin­gen

// APL Group

APL Auto­mo­bil-Prüf­tech­nik Land­au GmbH

AIP GmbH & Co. KG

IAVF Antriebs­tech­nik GmbH

IAVF-Volke Prüf­zen­trum für Verbren­nungs­mo­to­ren GmbH


@2022 APL Auto­mo­bil-Prüf­tech­nik Land­au GmbH | Imprint | Priva­cy policy